Employment & Income

  • Tax Withholding Estimator Tool

    To avoid a surprise next year, taxpayers should make changes now to their tax withholding. The Tax Withholding Estimator tool…

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    Earned Income Tax Credit

    The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a refundable tax credit for low-to-moderate income working families, ranging from $560 to…

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    Unemployment Insurance

    Unemployment Insurance offers temporary financial assistance to unemployed people. In North Carolina, the most you can currently receive in state…

  • two people in business attire shaking hands across a desk

    Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

    NCWorks Career Centers help individuals find jobs, strengthen skills, prepare for interviews, and more. There are more than 90 career…

  • person in a hard hat working with a circular saw

    Job Placement

    There are many resources that can help you determine a career path and find a sustainable job in North Carolina….

  • woman, man, and child sitting on couch hugging and laughing

    Self-Sufficiency Standard

    The Self-Sufficiency Standard tracks the true cost of living facing North Carolina families today, based on family size and geographic location.  …

  • man working on documents with a calculator

    Tax Preparation Assistance

    Filing taxes can feel overwhelming, but there are resources to help make sure that you file correctly and claim all…

  • Woman with child on back outside laughing

    Child Tax Credit

    The Child Tax Credit is a refundable tax credit for families with qualifying children or dependents. It may be able…

  • Small Business Resources

    What resources are available for small businesses?  The NC 211 database has resources available to support small businesses. Search “small…