is a free service that helps North Carolinians list and find housing.
What services are offered?
- A search and listing tool that includes detailed listings of rental units with maps that can include pictures, eligibility requirements, information about nearby amenities and much more.
- Helpful tools, including an affordability calculator, rental checklist, and information about renters’ rights and responsibilities
- Online access and support from a toll-free, bilingual call center, available at 1-877-428-8844, Monday – Friday 9am-8pm.
- Housing information that is updated daily.
- A resource for families displaced during times of disaster.
Can I use if I have a Section 8 Voucher?
Yes. When searching for listings on, there is an option to select “Section 8 Voucher,” which will limit your results to only units that accept vouchers.
How can I get help deciding on a rental unit? has several tools available to help you figure out how much you can afford to spend on rent and what you should look for when inspecting potential housing.
Click here for more resources.
Need more information?
If you didn’t find what you need on this page or need more information on local resources, dial 2-1-1 or 888-892-1162. Our call specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Last updated 10/27/2022